utorok 20. augusta 2013

Vyprážaná ryba (pangasius) so zemiakovou kašou (Fried fish with mashed potatoes)

Again very easy, based on "trojobal" - trio of flour, whipped eggs and bread-crumbs.

WE NEED: pangasius filets, flour, eggs, salt, milk, bread-crumbs, potatoes

Step 1: Prepare "trojobal" - trio mentioned above. The best is to use a deep plates, but unfortunatelly I didn't have them this time. Put flour to the first plate, one or two eggs to the sedonf plate and bread-crumbs to the third plate. To the plate with eggs add a bit of salt and a bit of milk and whisk them simple with fork. Bread-crumbs are usually yellow, but this time I used flavored one with some spices already in it. 
Step 2: If you use deep plates, you don't  have to cut filets into smaller pieces, unfortunatelly I had to. Then roll the piecies of meat firt in flour, then in eggs, then in bread-crumbs and then put to the pan with hot cooking butter or oil. Turn from both sides until it looks like these. 

BONUS: If you have some "trojobal" left and no more meat, you can mix it togehter and prepare some kind of doughnut which you put on pan and fry as well. Perfectly tasty.

Step 3: Prepare mashed potatoes

Dobrú chuť / Bon Apetit / Enjoy your meal / Eet smakelijk

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